well, quite a bits happened since the last time I wrote. We've left benin now. We're actually in the middle of the ocean on our way to Spain. I should prob write about everything that happened before I left though.
I went to the orphanage for the last time three fridays ago, it was hard to say bye to all of the kids. We went in and were greeted with the familiar smell of urine. The children are changed once a day at a chosen time and have to wait in their dirty diapers until it's time. We usually leave smelling pretty terrible, but it's completely worth it to see the smiles on their faces. One of my good friends (and room mate) kendall made a good point about how us entering into the filth of these children is like God entering into the filth of our lives. He doesn't care how completely discusting we smell or that were covered in filth, he lifts us up in his arms and holds us close.
I usually play with the older children, but that day I just held the infants. I rocked them and danced around the room with some. The president of this organization (FRA) surprised us by having a little thank you ceremony for all that we had done for them. It was really nice... Saying goodbye was a little bit difficult, the children didn't quite understand why we all wanted to hug them just a little longer and just a little tighter than usual, or why we looked sad. They didn't understand why all of a sudden we were showering them with kisses and prayers... I'm really going to miss them.
Boys Home
the CEO boys home is a home here for abused and trafficked boys, we were given the opportunity to spend time with them throughout our field service. I didn't ever go to visit with the boys but one of my friends Ram (who works in the dining room too) spent alot of time there. I went the last saturday I had off to help paint. Emma kendall and I all went and helped chip the old paint off the walls and paint a new coat on. The boys helped us, and let me just say-- they were quite amused when i climbed the wall and was hanging from a window pane to paint a hard to reach spot above the stairs. haha. that was fun. it was really hard work but it was really fun with kendall and emma. After we finished at the boys home we went to hotel du lac and swam and had a nice dinner. It was really relaxing.. a perfect ending for that day. We ate outside with the sun setting over the water, a nice warm breeze blowing our hair.. it's so strange to think that its winter back home! My body is going to be so confused by the intense climate change i do believe. Day worker farewell
well, sadly at the end of a field service we have to say good bye to our day volunteers (people that live in Benin working on the ship). endings are always bitter sweet. When you are right on the brink of losing someone you tend to appreciate them so much more. The last devotion we had with the deckies almost made me cry. They always line up on deck seven and dance and sing and then someone shares. It's just such a sweet time in the mornings.. The last one we had I just looked at everyone and realized how i had grown to love each of them and how empty the ship would feel without them here. They brought so much life and laughter to the ship. We had a service for the day volunteers thanking them for all they had done. Worship was so incredible. i dont think I have ever seen so many people dancing in the international lounge. we all lined up and danced across the front. It was so funny.. the people I had been working with for the past four and a half months looked at me so shocked and said, "bonny Jean! you can dance!" haha. it made me laugh.. but i smiled and laughed that whole time... overfilled with joy, celebrating the time I had had with each of these people.. and celebrating the fact that these were my brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't wait to get to heaven and see all their beautiful faces again.
we left for the sail on Tuesday, December 8th. It was such a strange feeling pulling away from the dock we had been at for so long, seeing it from a different point of view. There were people on the dock all waving goodbye to us. It was such a strange feeling, pulling away from the people we had known for so long.. the streets that had become so familiar. Its already all just a memory. My ministry in Africa is finished. Now I only serve those on the ship. I cant believe Im about to come home. time has gone by so fast. anyways, back to the sail.. its been so incredibly beautiful! Ive seen dolphins, whales, flying fish, and a water spout! we sailed right on by it. The sunsets are beautiful and the stars are magnificent. The sun reflects off the water like a million jewels, it almost takes my breath away. Can you imagine how beautiful the creator must be of all this? i think i might just pass out it will be so overwhelming. I wish you could all be here with me to see this. It is wonderful.
I'm only here for a week and a half more so I think this will be my last blog, I can talk to you all in person soon. :) I am so thankful for the time God has given me here and for all that he has taught me. I am so thankful for all the incredible people he has put in my life, and for all that they have taught me. Im thankful for Chelsea, Emma, Kaylee, Kendall, Aimee, Michelle, chris, Josh, Ram, Mary Lou, Priska, Irina, Dina, kelsey, dorothea.. and so many others. Im going to miss everybody so much.. but I am really excited about going home. I miss everyone so much. Ill see you all soon! God bless.