well, Im feeling less and less motivated to write on here.. because i feel like Im just living, and i dont see how that could be interesting to anyone at all.. lets see, whats happened these past two or so weeks? I went to the craft market with Chelsea and Kelsey last week to get christmas presents. that was exciting as always. "my darling.. come to my store".. and kissy noises to get your attention. This one lady basicaly forced me to buy this necklace. i didnt even want it. but i ended up gettingit.. because she forced it in my hand and wouldnt take it back.. so i now have a very random necklace in my possesion. Ive worked and done college applications for the past week or so, so I haven't been able to go into the city much. I went to one of our dayworkers churches last sunday, that was really fun. I liked it alot. The preacher was really good. One of our dayworkers-- Loveth went home on monday, that was kindof sad, and Dorothea, our small group leader is leaving on friday which will be sad. Im really going to miss her. You start to get used to goodbyes here though, which is kindof strange. My mindset is that I'll either see them later in this life, or later in glory, and I'm thankful for the time I had to get to know them. This weekend Im going up to Northern Benin with one of the dayworkers to his home town. Soo (from Korea, she's my room mate) Fabio (from Brazil) and I are all going.. it'll be really nice to get out into the country side again.
one of my room mates is sick--michelle, in case you want to know really random things. We only have 5 weeks left in Benin, and then we sail to teneriffe. Im really excited about the sail :) I need to make the most of the time we have left here before we go. I feel like Ive done everything you can do in Benin. Im not sure if I wrote about the prison, but Ive been trying to go there as much as I can, and ive gotten to know alot of the women there, it's been really cool. last night we all went out with dorothea for the last time :( it was really fun though. O! and another one of my room mates, Mel is leaving on friday. and we have 2 new room mates on sunday. I have lived with so many different types of people, I will be so prepared for whoever my room mate is in college! Well, im sorry this is so short and not very interesting, ill try to upload some pictures-- one is of my dining team.. o! and we had a costume dance party on deck eight.. and ill include a picture from that.. i hope you all have a marvelous week! :)
Bonny Jean,
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful pictures! Thank you for posting them and for telling us all what you have been up to. It is a blessing! It looks like you had fun at that costume party! LOVE the hat :) HA. Continuing to pray for you and those on the ship. Love and miss you :)